
[歌詞翻訳] Tell me - 少女時代 / 소녀시대 / SNSD(ソニョシデ) / Girl's Generation / 少女时代 [少女時代 (Girl's Generation)]

(Girls' Generation) SNSD 소녀시대 Tell Me
[HQ] 040708 KBS2 Music Bank ~ Tell Me - SNSD
・少女時代(Girl's Generation)のCD一覧

너도 날 좋아할 줄은 몰랐어 어쩌면 좋아 너무나 좋아
 君も私を好きと知らなかった どうしたら良いか あまりにも嬉しくて
 I never knew you liked me. What should I do? I am too happy.
 我不知道你也喜欢我 我应该怎么办 太高兴
꿈만 같아서 나 내 자신을 자꾸 꼬집어 봐 너무나 좋아
 夢みたいで 私自分自身をしょっちゅうつねってみる あまりにも嬉しくて
 好像梦一样 我经常抓我自己 太高兴
 It almost seems like a dream, so I'm pinching myself. I'm too happy.
니가 날 혹시 안 좋아할까봐 혼자 얼마나 애태운지 몰라
 君が私をひょっとして嫌いなのかと思って 一人でどれくらい心配したかわからない
 我想你是不是不喜欢我 独自很多担心
 Perhaps you won't like me
 I don't know how much I was worried about it by myself
그런데 니가 날 사랑한다니 어머나 다시 한 번 말해봐
 ところが君が私を愛してるなんて なんとまあ もう一度言ってみて
 可是你爱我 哎哟 再一次说吧
 And yet you love me, too
 Oh my, tell me once again

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

나를 사랑한다고 날 기다려 왔다고
 私を愛してると 私を待ってきたと
 爱我 等待我
 You love me. You've waited for me

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

내가 필요하다 말해 말해줘요
 需要我 说 说吧
 Tell me you need me

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

자꾸만 듣고 싶어 계속 내게 말해줘
 何度も聞きたくて いつも私に言ってよ
 想经常听 一直对我说吧
 I want to listen again and again
 Tell me all the time

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

꿈이 아니라고 말해 말해줘요
 Tell me it's not a dream

어쩜 내 가슴이 이렇게 뛰니 가슴이 정말 터질 것 같아
 どうしてか私の胸がこんなにドキドキするなんて 胸が本当にはじけそう
 怎么我的胸膛怦怦直跳 我的胸就要爆炸
 Oh, my heart is beating like this,
 It'll really burst out soon
니가 날 볼 때면 전기에 감전된 사람처럼 전기가 올라
 君が私を見るときは 感電した人のように電気が上がるの
 你看我时 我就像触电一样
 Whenever you'll see me,
 It seems like me to get an electric shock
 Electricity passes through my body

얼마나 오래 기다린지 몰라
 I don't know how long I've waited for you
얼마나 오래 꿈 꿨는지 몰라
 I don't know how long I've dreamed of you
그런데 니가 날 사랑한다니
 And yet you love me, too
어머나 다시 한 번 말해봐
 哎哟 再一次说吧
 Oh my, tell me once again

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

나를 사랑한다고 날 기다려 왔다고
 私を愛してると 私を待ってきたと
 爱我 等待我
 You love me. You've waited for me
꿈이 아니라고 말해 말해줘요
 Tell me it's not a dream

Hit me one time baby 다시 한번 (Tell me tell me)
 もう一度言ってよ baby もう一度。 (Tell me tell me) Okay
 再说一次 再说一次
 Hit me one time baby tell me once again
Okay 방금한건 알지만 또 한번 (Tell me Tell tell me)
 たった今言ったことわかるけどもう一度(Tell me Tell tell me)
 我知道你刚刚过 不过再说一次
 I know you've just told me now, but tell me once again
ye, 계속 말해줘 들어도 들어도 듣고싶어
 ye,いつも言って 聞いても 聞いても また聞きたくて
 一直说吧 听了 听了 还想听
 Tell me all the time, I listened, listened, but I wanna listen again
어쩜 이런 일이 꿈인가 싶어 (어~머나)
 もしかしてこうしたことが夢なのかと思って (あれれ)
 Maybe it's all a dream. Oh my
어머나 좋아서 어쩌나 (다시 한번말해봐)
 あれれ 嬉しくて どうしようか(もう一度話してみて)
 哎哟 我很高兴 怎么办 (再说一次吧)
 Oh my, I'm too happy what should I do? (tell me once again)

Baby Baby

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

나를 사랑한다고 날 기다려 왔다고
 私を愛してると 私を待ってきたと
 爱我 等待我
 You love me. You've waited for me

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

내가 필요하다 말해 말해줘요
 需要我 说 说吧
 Tell me you need me

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

자꾸만 듣고 싶어 계속 내게 말해줘
 何度も聞きたくて いつも私に言ってよ
 想经常听 一直对我说吧
 I want to listen again and again
 Tell me all the time

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

꿈이 아니라고 말해 말해줘요
 Tell me it's not a dream

Tell me tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me
tell tell tell
tell tell tell me

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