
[歌詞翻訳] Dancing Queen - 소녀시대 / 少女時代 / Girl's Generation [少女時代 (Girl's Generation)]


Girls' generation
Let's dance
Hit the beat and take it to the fast line

무대 위 너를 처음 봤을 때
 When I first saw you on the stage
내 주위의 시간들은 모두 멈추고 가슴만 뛰어
 私の周りの時間はすべて止まり 胸だけときめく
 我周围的时间完全静止了 只剩下心在跳动
 Time stopped all around me. Leaving only my heart pounding

평범한 나의 인생을 바꿔준 넌 나의 댄싱 퀸
 平凡な私の人生を変えてくれた君は私の Dancing Queen
 改变我平凡人生的你 我的Dancing Queen
 You who changed my ordinary life are my dancing queen
지루한 나의 일상을 깨워준 하룻밤의 파티
 退屈な私の日常を覚ましてくれたひと晩の Party
 打破了我无聊的人生的 那一晚的Party
 Night party that woke me up in my boring daily life

내 맘을 사로잡는 Dancing 그 화려한 솜씨
 私の心を捕らえる Dancing その華麗な腕前
 抓住我的心的Dancing 那华丽的姿态
 Dancing that captures my heart That magnificent skill
너의 그 이기적인 맵시 그 아찔한 Sexy
 お前のそのエゴイスチックな着こなし そのくらっとする Sexy
 令人艳羡的身姿 令人眩晕的Sexy
 Your egoistic style That dizzying sexiness

숨 막힐 듯 해 Yeah
 息が詰まりそうよ Yeah
 让我无法呼吸 Yeah
 As If I'm suffocating Yeah

한참을 지나 내가 무대 위에서
 过了一会儿 我在舞台上
 After some time, I'm on the stage
그때 그대처럼 춤추고 노래해 마치 꿈같아 정말로
 あの時、あなたのように踊って歌って まるで夢みたい 本当に
 像那时的你一样 跳舞唱歌 真的像梦一样
 That's when I'm dancing and singing like you
 It's really just like a dream

평범한 나의 인생을 바꿔준 넌 나의 Dancing Queen
 平凡な私の人生を変えてくれた君は私の Dancing Queen
 You who changed my ordinary life are my dancing queen
 改变我平凡人生的你 我的Dancing Queen
지루한 나의 일상을 깨워준 하룻밤의 꿈
 打破了我无聊的人生的 那一晚的梦
 Night dream that woke me up in my boring daily life

※1 repeat

리듬에 몸을 맡겨 나 Yeah
 リズムに身を任せて 私 Yeah
 身体随着节奏 我 Yeah
 I'm leaving my body to the rhythm Yeah

(I don't care what anyone thinks cause you're the one who makes me dance. You're one the who makes me sing. Can't nobody be my dancing queen but you.)
넌 나의 Dancing Queen 누가 뭐래도 영원히
 君は私の Dancing Queen 誰が何と言っても永遠に
 你是我的Dancing Queen 不管别人说什么 你永远都是
 You are my dancing queen No matter what anyone says, forever
내 마음속의 Star 넌 나의 hero 넌 나의 hero 넌 나의 hero
 私の心の中の Star 君は私の hero 君は私の hero 君は私の hero
 你是我心中的 Star 你是我的 hero 你是我的 hero 你是我的 hero
 You are the star in my heart, you are my hero
 You are my hero, you are my hero
(I get the “chills” when I see you move, see you groove. The way you shake your body is “Look at me everybody!” Your dancing makes me “hot”.)

※1 repeat
※2 repeat
※1 repeat

Bring it on
Party 젊음을 불태울 Dancing Party
 Party 若さを燃やす Dancing Party
 Party 燃烧青春的Dancing Party
 Dancing party that makes young people excited
모두 다 함께 해 Party
 みんな一緒にしよう Party
 Everybody party together
음을 불태울 댄싱파티
 若さを燃やす Dancing Party
 燃烧青春的Dancing Party
 Dancing party that makes young people excited

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