
[歌詞翻訳] Step - 카라 / Kara [音楽/music/음악/音乐]


Step it up now 오 오 오
 Step it up now oh oh oh


넘어지진 않을거야 슬픔아 안녕
 倒れたりしない 悲しみよ さようなら
 I will not fall anymore. Byebye Sorrow!
 跨越那道障碍 向悲伤说再见吧
친해지지 않을거야 눈물아 안녕
 近づいたりしない 涙よさようなら
 I'm not close to you anymore. Byebye Tears!
 不再亲近 就向眼泪说再见
자신을 믿는거야 한숨은 그만
 自分を信じるの 溜息はここまで
 I believe in myself. no more sighs
 我将相信自己 不再叹息
이깟 고민쯤은 웃으며 bye bye
 これっぽっちの悩みは 笑って bye bye
 Such trivial worries, with a smile, bye bye
 用微笑 和这苦闷说ByeBye

또 한번 더 배웠어
 I've learned more again
I will never forget about U, ye~
커졌어 난 강하게 더 높게
 大きくなって 私は強くさらに高く
 I have grown up, stronger and fly high
오 예 예 예 예
 Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

Step it up step it up 다시 시작이야
 Step it up step it up 再スタートよ
 Step it up step it up Let's start again!
 Step it up step it up 重新开始
또 템포를 올려서 앞질러 갈래
 Turn up the tempo, go ahead
 再一次的加快速度 继续前行
Just step it up step it up 다 보란듯이
 Just step it up step it up すべて誇らしげに
 Just step it up, step it up, for everyone to see
 Just step it up step it up 就像疯了一样
크게 볼륨 높여 baby my bebe
 大きくボリュームを上げて baby my bebe
 Turn up the volume baby, my bebe
 音量再放大一些 Baby my baby

※1 Repeat

내일은 새로울꺼야 기대를 높여
 明日は新しくなるよ 期待を高めて
 Tomorrow is going to be new, have high expectations
 明天会是崭新的一天 充满期待
그게 사는 재미같아 근심은 날려
 それが生きる面白さみたい 憂いは吹き飛ばして
 That's the fun of living, throw your worries away
 享受生活的乐趣 吹走烦恼
누구나 같을꺼야 기 죽지 않아
 誰も同じよ 元気を失わない
 Like everyone else, I wont be discouraged
 无论是脽 都应该坚持着不灰心
작은 걱정쯤은 웃으며 bye bye
 小さな心配なんて 笑って bye bye
 Smile at those small troubles and bye bye

난 강하게 더 높게
 I'm stronger and higher
오 예 예 예 예
 Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

※2 Repeat

내 인생에 섣불리 get louder
 私の人生に うっかり get louder
 In my life, I rashly get louder
나 좋으라고 그랬겠어 그랬겠어
 私によかれと そうしたの そうしたの
 You think I did it for myself? for myself?

one two one two step 모두 박자에 맞게
 one two one two step 全部リズムに合わせ
 One two one two step, everyone get your rhythm
 one two one two step 所有人都跟着节拍
겁 낼 필요 없어 아니 울 것 없어 모두 같이 함께해
 恐れる必要ない いや 泣くことない みんな一緒に活動するの
 Don't be scared, no, don't cry, let's do it altogether
 不要害怕 无需哭泣 所有人都一起来
어지럽게 왜 쓸데없는 생각해
 止めどなく なぜ無駄なことを考えるの
 Why are you thinking of useless other things, dizzily?
 不要再去多想 那些沒必要的事了
그러지 말고 우리 모두 다 Step it up now
 そんなの止めて 私たちみな一緒に Step it up now
 Don't do that, let's all just step it up now
 别再那样 我们一起 stepit...

절대 난 돌아보지 않겠어
 I won't turn back
앞만 보기도 시간은 짧아
 前だけ見ても 時間は短い
 Look ahead, time is just short.
 只看着前方 时间宝贵

※2 Repeat

Step it up step it up (왜 섣불리 get louder)
 Step it up step it up (なぜうかつに get louder)
 Step it up, stept it up (Why rashly get louder)
 Step it up step it up (等什么 快点GetLouder)
또 템포를 올려서 (괜히 그랬겠어 그랬겠어)
 またテンポを速めて (無駄に そうしたの そうしたの)
 Speed up the tempo again (You think I did it for no reason?)
 再加速前进 (一定会这样)
Just step it up step it up 다 보란듯이
 Just step it up step it up すべて誇らしげに
 Just step it up, step it up, for everyone to see
 Just step it up step it up 就像疯了一样
크게 볼륨 높여 baby my bebe
 大きくボリュームを上げて baby my bebe
 Turn up the volume baby, my bebe
 音量再放大一些Baby my baby

タグ:Kara 카라
nice!(3)  コメント(0) 

nice! 3

コメント 0



