
[歌詞翻訳] Visual Dreams - 소녀시대 / 少女時代 / 少女时代 / Girl's Generation [少女時代 (Girl's Generation)]

・한국어 선생님에게 확인했습니다.

One Two Three Four 짜릿하게 어머나
 One Two Three Four ピリッと まあ
 One Two Three Four 惊心动魄 哎呀
 One Two Three Four, thrillingly, oh my!
One Two Three Four 너를 원해 이미 난
 One Two Three Four 君が欲しい もう私は
 One Two Three Four 现在 我想要你
 One Two Three Four, I want you, I'm already
One Two Three Four 솔직한 내 맘을 다 들켜버릴래 다 들려줄래
 One Two Three Four 正直な私の気持ち 全部 ばれちゃいそう 全部 教えてあげる
 One Two Three Four 我坦率的心 都要你发现 都说给你听
 One Two Three Four, I wish you would notice my honest heart, I'll show you all my heart

촉촉촉 오 달콤한 내 입술에
 湿润的 哦 在甜蜜我的嘴唇上
 Moist, moist moist, oh, on my sweet lips
Come Come Come 천천히 그래 다가와
 Come Come Come ゆっくり そう 近づいて
 Come Come Come 慢慢 就这样 靠近吧
 Come Come Come slowly, that's right, come to me
Tic Tac Toe 오 아찔하게 네게 푹 빠져버린걸 녹아버린걸
 Tic Tac Toe oh クラッと 君に すっかり はまってしまうの 溶けてしまうの
 Tic Tac Toe 哦 迷迷糊糊地 为你 深深陷入了 融化了
 Tic Tac Toe oh, dizzily, I'm likely to fall for you deelpy, you could make me melt

처음 느낀 이 감정 My Deep Love Core
 初めて感じたこの感情 My Deep Love Core
 第一次感到 这种感情 My Deep Love Core
 The emotions for the first time, My Deep Love Core
점점 뜨거워지는 얼굴 숨이 막히는 순간 어쩌지
 少しずつ熱くなっていく顔 息が詰まる瞬間 どうしよう
 越来越发热的脸 呼吸快要停止的瞬间 怎么办
 My face gets hotter and hotter, the suffocated moment, what should I do
떨리고 있어
 I'm trembling
boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy

고민고민 해봐도 모르겠어
 If you worry and worry, but you can't understand what to do
상상만으론 정말로 하나도 오 how to do my first kiss
 想像するだけでは本当に一つも oh how to do my first kiss
 仅凭想像 真的一点也 oh how to do my first kiss
 By imagination, really even one thing, oh how to do my first kiss
just wait a minute?
boy boy boy boy bo bo bo boy boy boy boy

망설이지 말고 my love get into my core
 Don't hesitate, my love get into my core

※1 repeat
※2 repeat

내 맘 속 visual 너무 완벽해
 私の心の中の visual あまりに完璧
 在我的心里 visual 是太完美
 The visual in my heart is so perfect
네 가지 고민 언제 어디서 무엇을 어떻게만 빼고
 4つの悩み いつ どこで 何を どうするかは除いて
 四种苦恼 "何时" "何地" "什么" 除了"如何"
 There's four kinds of worries, "when", "where", "what?", exept "how?"
헤매고 있어
 That's what I'm just wondering
Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core

우물쭈물 하단 놓칠지 몰라
 ぐずぐずしてたら 逃してしまうかも
 磨磨蹭蹭的话 会跑掉
 By hesitating, you might lose it

망설임 the end 여길 봐 두근두근 pop pop 들리지 어때
 迷い the end ここを見て ドキドキ pop pop 聞こえるでしょ どう
 犹犹豫豫 the end 看看这里 扑通扑通 pop pop 听见了吧
 Hesitation, at the end, look here (heart pounding) pop pop, you hear it, doesn't it?
Core of my love
Core Core Core Core Co Co Co Core Core Core Core

지금이야 바로 start! jump into love core
 今よ すぐに start! jump into love core
 现在正是开始! jump into love core
 The time is now, start! jump into love core

※1 repeat

Take you higher / oh my love ooh yeah
visual dreams / 느껴봐 beating of my heart
 visual dreams / 感じてよ beating of my heart
 visual dreams / 感觉一下 beating of my heart
 visual dreams / Feel the beating of my heart

※1 repeat
※2 repeat

ooh yeah visualize my love oh yeah


nice!(2)  コメント(0) 

nice! 2

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